domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2008


Hola a todos los fanáticos de Epica y de Simone Simons, la verdad en este último tiempo he estado muy corta de ideas...y necesito su ayuda para poder seguir llevando material e información a los demás faná gustaría que me dieran sugerencias de que colocar en el blog...todas serán leídas y realizadas en cuanto me sea posible :) ....

bueno, espero sus sugerencias...



viernes, 8 de agosto de 2008

Epica en Chile!!!

Epica en Chile!!!
Dia del show : 16 septiembre Hora : 21:00 hrs Teloneros : No Habrá

Beneficios: - Lugar más adelante con espacio más cómodo
- Entran 1 hora antes del público general
- Meet & greet exclusivo (instancia para compartir con la banda)
- Regalo sorpresa
La gente será marcada con una respectiva cinta así si necesitan ir al baño o cualquier cosa se les reconocerá fácilmente.
La venta de estas entradas es solo en Mucky rock Eurocentro.

Entradas Anticipadas:
001 a 150 $ 8.000 151 a 500 $ 10.000
Preventa Hasta el 01 septiembre $12.000
General $14.000

Preventa sin Recargo:
Mucky rock (Eurocentro)
Voz propia (portal Lyon)

Nothing (Portal Lyon)

Con recargo:
Sistema ticketmaster Falabella Cinehoyts Homecenter Sodimac

domingo, 8 de junio de 2008

Repertorio anunciado!!!

"Repertorio: The Classical Conspiracy"

Epica anunció en su sitio web oficial, las canciones que serán interpretadas por ellos en el conierto: "The Classical Conspiracy", los temas son los siguientes:

"Peer Gynt Suites" (E. Grieg)
"Romeo and Juliet" (S. Prokofiev)
"The four seasons" (A. Vivaldi)
"Star Wars" (J. Williams)
"Spiderman" (D. Elfman)
"Pirates of the Caribbean" (K. Badelt)
"Stabat Mater" (G.B. Pergolesi)
"Carmina Burana" (C. Orff)
"9th symphony" (A. Dvorak)
"Requiem" (G.Verdi)
"Opera Serse" (G.F. Handel)

Más claro los temas más exitosos de su gran trayectoria como grupo, las entradas se encuentran a la venta en su tienda web


sábado, 17 de mayo de 2008


EPICA han lanzado el vídeo promocional para su concierto “Classical Conspiracy”, que se celebrará el 14 de junio en el Miskolc International Opera Festival de Hungría.

El grupo interpretará un set especial consistente en piezas de Mozart, Dvorak, Verdi, Orff, Prokofiev, Grieg o Vivaldi al estilo de EPICA, acompañadas por temas de EPICA adaptados a la música clásica. Algunos temas de la banda serán reescritos de forma más pomposa para que encajen en el evento. A parte de todo las malas lenguas dicen que posiblemente serán editados de este concierto un disco y un DVD, claro que esto aún no se ha confirmado, esperemos que sí...por mi parte lo estaré esperando con ansias


jueves, 27 de marzo de 2008

Simone será reemplazada por Amanda Somerville en tour USA/Canadá...

Simone reemplazada por Amanda Somerville en tour...

Comunicado por Amanda Somerville:

Hola mis queridos, y especialmente esta vez fans de Epica

Tristemente, Simone Simons, la vocalista de la banda holandesa Epica sigue enferma y no podrá ir al tour planeado por Usa y Canadá en los meses próximos de Abril-Mayo.Como muchos de ustedes saben, Simone y los chiso de Epica son muy buenos amigos míos. He trabajado con ellos desde el primer álbum yen cada álbum/DVD desde sus inicios como la banda que conocemos y amamos que es Epica hoy. Es por esa razón que Simone y el resto de la banda me han pedido acompañar a la banda en el tour mientras Simone está enferma. Todos nos damos cuenta que este es un asunto delicado y que los fans de Epica estarán decepcionados por no poder ver a su amada Simone , de todos modos espero que puedan entender que esta es la única alternativa antes que cancelar el tour completamente.

Es importante para mí que sepan que no es mi intención ni de la banda el reemplazar a Simone. Ella es "una de las cosas" invaluables de Epica y en verdad su front woman y la cara de la banda. Les aseguro que daré lo mejor de mí para hacer justicia la presentación que ustedes esperaban de Epica y daré mi todo. Dado que he co-escrito muchas de las canciones y fui la entrenadora vocal de Simone durante las grabaciones de los álbumes, me siento tan cómoda cantando las canciones como si fueran mías.

Aquí está el comunicado oficial de Epica sobre el asunto:

"Las semanas extra de descanso, como resultado de la cancelación dee la mayoría de los shows del mes han ayudado a Simone a recuperarse de su infección de MRSA. Tres de los cuatro aspectos en su último tests ya mostraron negativo, lo cual es ya un gran paso adelante! Desafortunadamente uno de auellos aún muestra positivo . Tan optimistas como podemos ser sobre los resultados de estos test finales, no podemos arriesgar su salud teniéndola en tour ya tan pronto. El doctor de Simone también le aconsejó quedarse en casa.

Hemos venido ya en un largo camino y debemos continuar este camino para vencer finalmente esto. Por lo tanto hemos decidido pedir a nuestra buena amiga Amanda Somerville sustituir a Simone en nuestro próximo tour por USA. Como todos ustedes saben, Amanda ha estado implicada con Epica desde el inicio como entrenador vocal y también puede ser escuchada en cada álbum como vocalista de fondo y también como parte de nuestro coro. Estamos muy felices de que Amanda esté dispuesta a echarnos una mano y somos lo más positivos posibles en que estas semanas extra de descanso le darán a Simone tiempo suficiente para recuperarse completamente de esta infección y así ella podrá unirse a nosotros al escenario nuevamente durante nuestros shows holandeses de club."

Gracias por su comprensión y por su apoyo. Este es por supuesto un buen giro de los acontecimientos para todos nosotros y una mezcla de emociones de alta equivalencia. A pesar de las desafortunadas circunstancias, sin embargo, me parece positivo acerca el tour y vamos a darles todo lo nuestro para hacer de los shows una inolvidable experiencia para Epica!

lunes, 21 de enero de 2008

Videos de Epica








martes, 15 de enero de 2008

¿Por qué Simone?

La Respuesta es muy simple, Simone Simons es una de las mejores voces del metal, joven y dueña de una belleza incalculabe, Simone Simons, es simplemente irremplazable.



lunes, 14 de enero de 2008

Simone Simons Enferma

Queridos fans de Epica:

Desde hace un par de meses he estado batallando con infecciones y he estado en cirugia muchas veces.Los doctores no sabian que estaba mal conmigo.
Despues de muchas pruebas en el hospital encontraron que estoy infectada con MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus), tambien conocido como bacteria de hospital. El tratamiento para esta bacteria viene con un estricto control de higiene con l oque tengo que trabajar diariamente. Es por eso que no sera posible hacer viajes largos y mucho menos vivir en un autobus de tour. Es por eso que estamos forzados a cancelar la mayoria de nuestros shows en Febrero. Los shows del 22 y 23 en Lille y Vosselaar aun los haremos ya que son shows independientes y son muy cercanos. No podemos planear mas alla ya que primero tengo que recuperarme de la infeccion y eso tomara algo de tiempo. Cuanto tiempo tomara no podemos decirlo por el momento. Estamos muy apenados de no poder hacer esos shows. Estuvimos esperando con espectacion este tour y para conocerlos chicos. Ahora en lo que tengo que enfocarme es en recuperarme, entonces estaremos de nuevo de viaje tan pronto sea posible. Por favor chequen nuestro sitio de vez en cuando para mas informacion acerca de esto.
Simone y Epica.

Epica Lyrics

Alineación al centro

Blank Infinity

Trying to keep myself afloat upon this stream
But a thought is pulling me down
Pulling me all the way down

We are wandering towards a blank infinity
And extinguishing will now be the only way
to diminish your sins This vortex can't be
filled up again
A hole in space and time

Do you cry to the heaven's high when you're confined in here?
Do you not ever wonder why these leaden tears
will never dry?
They'll leave behind so many shadows
in my mind

High in the sky, all of the clouds are passing by
Wait for this storm, wait for the rain, and wait for the tears to fall down on me
Do you cry to the heaven's high when you're confined in here?
Do you not ever wonder why these leaden tears
will never dry?
They'll leave behind so many shadows
Living in me, living in all the memories in my life

Do you wonder why These tears
will never dry

Time forced into life Living in my mind Can we ever find a way in t his labyrinth without end?
Labyrinth has no end
Which turn should I take?
Left or right? Should I stay?
Should I be the one? Lost inside blank infinity


Cry for the moon

Follow your common sense
You cannot hide yourself
behind a fairytale forever and ever
Only by revealing the hole truth can we disclose
The soul of this sick bulwark forever and ever
Forever and ever

Indoctrinated minds so very often
Contain sick thoughts
And commit most of the evil they preach against

Don’t try to convince me with messages from God
You accuse us of sins committed by yourselves
It’s easy to condemn without looking in the mirror
Behind the scenes opens reality

Eternal silence cries out for justice
Forgiveness is not for sale
Nor is the will to forget

Virginity has been stolen at very young ages
And the extinguisher loses it’s immunity
Morbid abuse of power in the garden of eden
Where the apple gets a youthful face

You can’t go on hiding yourself
Behind old fashioned fairytales
And keep washing your hands in innocence


Dance of Fate

When Darkness will reign and blind us all
Allegiance will blind us if we do not fall

We cannot tell when morning comes
Is there a choice to live another day?
It's hard to find a new direction in your fragile life

The precious time of your existence is now to come
Don't throw your life away by cheating time
Sugared Placebos only fool your mind

Now I want the water to wash away all my sins
The wind to blow away my thoughts without meaning
The fire to burn away my thickened skin

Novas portas pandimus

What is the space, the type of dance?
I cannot tell which steps I have to take
I'd like to leave, just run away

My feet are tangled up

So hard to face the pace of the clock
What do you think; will it ever stop?
So, will I fall and not get up?
I take it all in stride

Everything has a reason for its happening
Can't you tell it's your own spell and
Everyone has to dance his dance like anyone
Can't break free of destiny

We should open new doors
And close the ones that we've left behind

Novas portas pandimus, et post nos occludimus
Novas portas pandimus et post nos occludimus

FaÇade of Reality

Sanguis meus tibi non iam perbibendus sit

Macula aeterintatis
Numquam detergenda
Quisnam surget et deteget
Imaginem veritates ?

People created religious inventions
To give their lives a glimmer of hope
And to ease their fear of dying
And people created religious intentions
Only to feel superior and to have a license to kill

Our desire to die is stronger
Than all your desire for life
There is no getting away from it now
Only true faith survives

People created religious inventions
To give their lives a glimmer of hope
And to ease their fear of dying
And people created religious ascensions
To subject the others and to enslave, just to further enrich themselves

It doesn’t matter where we die
It doesn’t matter that you cry

We will take you with us

A disgrace on the beyond

O servator, sempiterne
Te grati coluimus, Odor atrox quo nons superfundis intolerabilis est

Deceive yourself by yielding
to soft words that cause no pain
Enrich yourself with different views
Learned without disdain

A disgrace on the beyond
That can never be undone
Who shall rise and unveil
The Facade of Reality?

Is there still room for new dents in old wrecks?
A disgrace on the beyond that can never be undone
Deceive yourself by yielding to soft words
Enrich yourself by making up your own mind

Sanguis meus tibi non iam perbibendus sit


The very brightest candle of all has been extinguished
Smothered by those who could not bear to face reality

Every beat of your heart tore the lies all apart
Made foundations quiver
Every wave in the lake caused the porcelain to break
And I shiver....

The leftover tallow just doesn't contain
All the right answers
Under a sea of dust lies a vast wealth of wisdom

As untouched snow turns red
Innocence dies

This black page in history is not colourfast,
Will stain the next
All what remains is just a feint of what was meant to be
This black page in history is not colourfast,
Will stain the next
And nothing seems in life,
In dreams like what was meant to be


Force of The Shore

Appearance is deceptive
So perfect in disguise
There's more than what you see

A semblance is protective
A blinder for the eyes
A place to hide and flee

Flee and you'll never see
What you're going to be
If you throw away the key

The truth from the past you can't make it last

Flee and walk away
From what you are this day
If you are afraid to stay

Beyond the shore the sea is filled up
with sentiment and strength
Here lie the thoughts imprisoned
A field of forces and laments

How can we hide here
We need to change our ways
How can we tell lies here
We turn our eyes away

From the truth
From the past
You cannot
Make it last

If you do not cease to run away from truth
You will never see the shadow
of your dying youth

A façade is what we all possess
But on the inside it stays a mess

Superficial changes won't recall the past
Don't deny the clock is ticking
and it's racing fast

Fading tokens of our latter days
Make us think we need to change our ways

Deep, the feelings hide
They're wasted from within
And my shell will never break

Appearance is deceptive
So perfect in disguise
A place to flee and hide and run away
Lift the shadow



Illusive Consesus

So sweet caress, never long to last!
You entered my soul and gave hope to my life.

So sweet caress, never hope to last!
You left me behind all alone and aghast
Capured inside such an austere Elysium

Imperfect feelings, futile greef
Love a device against all solitude
As it all went on, the love became
A field in a dream that once had been real

So sweet caress, never long to last!
Destroy this illusion we need a change of fate!
Your frantic thoughts are only a condemned cry

Primo somniare videbamur

deinde veritas se praecipitavit

I secretly longed for something
which had never existed

First I thought it was a dream
but then it smashed into reality
Beautiful on the outside, decayed deeply within

I secretly longed for something
which had never existed

Devoted to a body without a soul

Numquam non tibi diffidam



It feels so warm when you are near
You are all I want to feel
Tell me now, is this for real?
It's hard to believe
We're all lost in travelled time, cannot find my piece of mind
When the sun will rise again, we'll fly away

Take the stairs to the stars
Wander alone, travel far


A summer breeze made all of the winters freeze
Autumn leaves
There's no chance for spring's romance
We linger on but leave the past behind and
Old lovers live it all anew
But chances are so few

Windows open up to life
Put your worries all aside
Sacred silence closes doors for opened eyes

Take the stairs to the stars
Wander alone, travel far


A summer breeze made all of the winters freeze
Autumn leaves
There's no chance for spring's romance
We linger on but leave the past behind and
Old lovers live it all anew
But chances are so few


Long Lost Love

Trees have dropped their leaves,
Clouds their waters
All this burden is killing me

Distance is covering your way,
Tears your memory
All this beauty is killing me

Oh, do you care,
I still feel for you
So aware,
What should be lost is there

I fear I will never find anyone
I know my greatest pain is yet to come
Will we find each other in the dark
My long lost love



Not a sound from the pavement
Has the moon lost her memory?
She is smiling alone
In the lamplight
The withered leaves collect at my feet
And the wind begins to moan

All alone in the moonlight
I can smile at your days
Life was beautiful then
I remember the time I knew what happiness is
Let the memory live again

Every street lamp seems to beat
A fatalistic warning
Someone mutters and the street lamp gutters
And soon it will be morning

I must wait for the sunrise
I must think of a new life
And I mustn't give in
When the dawn comes
Tonight will be a memory too
And a new day will begin

Burnt out ends of smoky days
The still cold smell of morning
A street lamp dies, another night is over
Another day is dawning

Touch me,
It is so easy to leave me
All alone with the memory
Of my days in the sun
If you touch me,
You'll understand what happiness is
Look, a new day has began...



The culprit, you act before thinking
Caught in your ignorant sin
And lying to your own reflection,
you thought you could hide

Deprived of my own innocence, denied

The infinity of recurring torment, your comeuppance

See, hear the torture inside
Devouring what was left of my pride
You thought it's not going to happen to you,
thought you could hide

The infinity of recurring torment, your comeuppance
Dwelling in a mind, mixed up and
Your regret has spread over the sea


Run for a Fall

Do not use the past as an alibi
For all of your deficiencies always standing by
Face your negligence, do not fool yourself
Shortcomings will soon appear
For weakness shows itself

Blind from your success and all of the excess
Deaf from the praise you had

Don’t cry out of self pity in forcing your way through
For I will not be vulnerable to slander made by you

In a misty veil, misplaced
Where castles in the air will be no longer seen
As something out of reach
In time the dream will be erased
So many things will never be the way they seemed

And pride will have it’s fall at last

Her eyes fell while the shame was written on her face
When she realised that her failures
could never be undone again

You did not notice the manipulated hand
That overshadowed your thoughts all those years
That made you insecure
You did not notice the ancient shifting sand
That pulls you down into an everlasting sham
You will never be able to fight
Never be able to hide
Run for a fall, you’d better run



Chance doesn’t exist
But the path of life is not totally so predestined and
Time and chronology show us how all should be in
The ways of existence
To find out why we are here

Being conscious is a torment
The more we learn is the less we get
No one surveys the whole, focus on things so small but
life’s objective is to make it meaningful
Only searching for this
That which doesn’t exist
Although our ability to relativize remains unclear

Being conscious is a torment
The more we learn is the less we get
Every answer contains a new quest
A quest to non existence, a journey with no end

I’m not afraid to die
I’m afraid to be alive without being aware of it

I’m so afraid to, I couldn’t stand to
Waste all my energy on things

That do not matter anymore

Our future has already been written by us alone
But we don’t grasp the meaning
Of our programmed course of life
We only fear what comes
And smell death every day

Our future has already been wasted by us alone
And we just let it happen and do not worry at all
Our future has already been written by us alone
But we don’t grasp the meaning
Of our programmed course of life

We only fear what comes
And smell death every day
Search for the answers that lie beyond

Being conscious is a torment
The more we learn is the less we get
Every answer contains a new quest
A quest to non existence, a journey with no end


Solitary Ground

living at different places
evading into various spaces
my compass has broken
I'm losing the way
an ongoing madness has lead me astray

in me there's still a place that
fulfils me
a sanctity here that I call home
I run to when winter descends
if I try can I find solid ground?

I follow illusive paths
oh it seems they're written in stone
and the door to a new life is closing so fast
burning the bridges will not bring me back

in me there's still a place that
fulfils me
a sanctity here that I call home
I run to when winter descends
if I try can I find solid ground?

in me there's still a place that
fulfils me
a sanctity here that I call home
I run to when winter descends
if I try can I find solid groud?

I know that
in me there's still a place that
fulfils me
a sanctity here that I call home
I run to when winter descends
if I try can I find solid groud?
or am I just wasting time?
wasting time


The Phantom Agony

[I. Impasse of Thoughts]

I can’t see you, I can’t hear you
Do you still exist?

I can’t feel you, I can’t touch you,
Do you exist?

The Phantom Agony

I can’t taste you, I can’t think of you,
Do we exist at all?

[II. Between hope and despair]

The future doesn’t pass
And the past won’t overtake the present
All that remains is an obsolete illusion

We are afraid of all the things that could not be
A phantom agony

Do we dream at night
Or do we share the same old fantasy?
I am a silhouette of the person wandering in my dreams

Tears of unprecedented beauty
Reveal the truth of existence
We’re all sadists

The age-old development of consciousness
Drives us away from the essence of life
We meditate too much,
So that our instincts will fade away
They fade away

What’s the point of life
And what’s the meaning if we all die in the end?
Does it make sense to learn or do we forget everything?

Tears of unprecedented beauty
Reveal the truth of existence
We’re all pessimists

Teach me how to see and free the disbelief in me
What we get is what we see, the Phantom Agony

[III. Nevermore]

The lucidity of my mind has been revealed in new dreams
I am able to travel where my heart goes
In search of self-realisation

This is the way to escape from our agitation
And develop ourselves
Use your illusion and enter my dream...


Trois Vierges

Memory, fading out
Its presence still lingers in my mind
Listen to your inner voice
There's no escape, there's no other choice

A foolish fate that came about
Death could not leave without
Don't try to scour your inane soul
It would be labour lost

Deep inside hides a lie
Where can we try to seek
A way so this will die

Innocence died when they took his mind
And they tried to leave him behind
Not even a cascade of tears will save you
And keep you away from harm

Concinnity of destiny
Is not what you wished it to be

Blinded by love
Between lust and hate
You scarred your fate
There's no time to waste

Ride for your own ruin
Odium became your opium

Please don't let me bleed for all eternity

Please leave me be in my own misery
